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29 results found for: energy audit

Tighten Up Your Georgia Home’s Efficiency With an Energy Audit

An energy audit, sometimes called an energy evaluation, is a procedure that allows a professional inspector to evaluate your home and pinpoint areas of energy loss and inefficiency. When you know where your home is leaking energy, you’ll know where to apply additional insulation, caulking, weatherstripping, or other energy-saving material. At the same time, you’ll find out where your home is already well sealed, which will prevent you from spending money on efficiency measures where they’re not needed. The auditor will […]

After Your Home Energy Audit: Deciding on Your Efficiency Improvements

Congratulations – you’ve had a home energy audit done for your house; you conducted it yourself, or else paid a professional HVAC specialist who knows all the important diagnostics tests. You now have a list of things that must be fixed, and you’re no doubt wondering where to start and how to prioritize your pending home improvements. With the heat and humidity of a Georgia summer upon us, here are some suggestions that will help you decide how to begin: […]

A Home Energy Audit – Best Way to Gauge Your Home’s Efficiency

Energy bills are very effective for tracking energy usage and costs, but they won’t tell you where your home is wasting energy. A professional home energy audit is a sensible tool to locate energy leaks, and make your home more energy efficient, comfortable and pocketbook friendly. Home Energy Audit A home energy audit is a series of tests and evaluations that assess how much energy a home uses, how and where the energy is being used and/or wasted, and determine where […]

The DIY Energy Audit: A Saturday Project That Can Yield Lasting Savings

There’s no bad time to make your home more efficient, but with summer on the way, Georgia residents have a particularly good opportunity to start saving before hot weather hits. A good first step is a do-it-yourself energy audit, a simple but thorough check of the key areas in your home to see where you can save. There are several areas a homeowner can check themselves when they’re conducting an energy audit. Below are a handful of issues to look […]