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August 11, 2011

UV Light Technology Enhances Indoor Air And Comfort

Now, ultraviolet can be used to make your indoor air ultra-clean. Ultraviolet (UV) light is a part of a spectrum that is invisible to the naked eye. Usually, people only notice UV light by the tanning effect it has on the fair-skinned. But UV lights can have a much different and healthier effect when added to your home’s air quality system. Indoor air, according to the EPA, can be a bit of a health hazard, ranking as one of the […]
August 18, 2011

Electronic Air Cleaners Can Help With Indoor Air Quality

If you’re concerned about the quality of air in your home, you’re right to be alarmed. Studies show that indoor air is often substantially dirtier than the air right outside the door. This is why increasingly homeowners are considering the purchase of electronic air cleaners. In contrast to mechanical air cleaners that use filters to trap particles, electronic air cleaners use electrostatic attraction to remove polluting particles from the air.  Here is a look at two kinds of electronic air […]
August 23, 2011

Use Testing To Develop an Indoor Air Quality Plan

Indoor air testing is a great service to have performed periodically in order to determine what culprits may be eroding the quality of your indoor air. These results can help you form an indoor air quality plan and determine needed changes to your home to ensure you’re breathing the healthiest and safest air possible. A number of different things are usually looked at during a test, and they include mold spores, humidity levels and presence of chemicals in the air. […]
September 8, 2011

Get Ventilation And Energy Savings With Solar Attic Fans

When heat and moisture accumulate inside the attic of your home, the result can be a variety of problems. Warmth and dampness encourage the growth of mold and mildew, which can damage the roof and walls of your attic and destroy insulation. Mold spores can move from your attic down into your home. Heat can also seep down into your home causing your air conditioner to work harder. The solution is increasing the ventilation by increasing airflow and, in the […]