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29 results found for: energy audit

Mapping Out A Long-Term Plan To Maximize Your Energy Savings

Saving energy makes good sense — and good cents. Making the choice to implement an energy-savings plan is always a good idea that saves you money in the long run. By simply conducting an energy audit of your home, you’ll know exactly where to start and what to plan for in the future.   Do you know where your home is losing energy? It’s easier than you might think to discover where the greatest loss of energy is in your […]

Maximizing Your Older Home’s Energy Efficiency Without Giving Up Any Of Its Charm

What older homes lack in energy efficiency, they usually make up for in charm. But despite its age, your older home’s energy efficiency can be given a major boost with a few simple tasks. If you struggle to keep your home comfortable in extreme weather or if your energy costs seem higher than they should, follow these tips for improving the overall efficiency of your home — without sacrificing its charm. Seal air leaks Even small air leaks add up […]

Your Home Energy Evaluation: The Blower Door Test

A home-energy evaluation is an excellent way to determine your home’s efficiency. An energy auditor will conduct several tests, and then determine where your home is losing energy and what steps you can take to fix your issues. One of the tests that your auditor will conduct is a blower door test. What does the blower door test do? A blower door test determines how airtight your home is. Finding and sealing air leaks will help you reduce your home’s […]

Upgrading to a Zoning System Lets You Take Control of Home Temperatures

Does it seem like no matter how much you fiddle with the thermostat, you can’t make your home and everyone in it comfortable? Upgrading to a zoning system is a simple and effective solution tailored to your situation and needs, which lets you take back control of your home comfort and energy bills. Tailored temperatures There are many elements that contribute to uneven temperatures in a home. The following lists highlight common contributing factors to this issue, and why upgrading […]