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162 results found for: indoor air quality

Easy Ways to Test Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Your Peachtree City Home

When was the last time you tested your carbon monoxide detectors? If you are like many homeowners, the answer may be never. You need to make it a habit to check these detectors regularly. It just may save your life. The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide Carbon monoxide, commonly abbreviated as CO, is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that is toxic. This gas gets into the home from fuel-burning appliances that aren’t working properly or not vented correctly. When CO levels […]

Can a Quality Air Filter Help Protect Your Air Conditioner?

The Peachtree City area’s sultry summers place a high demand on your air conditioner, so anything you can do to protect the system helps. Installing a high-quality air filter is one of the simplest ways to do this. How the Right Filter Helps The first job of an air conditioner’s filter isn’t to improve indoor air quality, but to protect the system from debris. Without good filtration, debris particles such as hair, carpet fibers, dust and pollen enter your system […]

Don’t Forget to Schedule Duct Maintenance This Spring

With the hot Peachtree City summer quickly approaching, now’s the time to make sure your cooling system is ready to perform at top efficiency. Professional duct maintenance supports your system’s efficiency by helping your air conditioner reliably distribute the air it cools. Why Duct Sealing Matters Air leaks in ductwork can develop for many reasons. In some cases, the duct joints weren’t properly connected and sealed during installation. In others, the seals have broken due to aging or being accidentally […]

Telltale Signs Your Ducts Are Due for Cleaning

If you’re like many homeowners, you may be wondering if you should schedule your HVAC tech for a duct cleaning. It depends on a number of factors from home to home, including HVAC usage and care and the types and amounts of contaminants in the home. If you’ve never had your air ducts cleaned or it’s been several years since, it’s probably worth your time to have the ductwork inspected. Keep reading to see if any of the common telltale signs of contaminated […]