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162 results found for: indoor air quality

Ensure Home Comfort with This Spring Cleaning Checklist

Do you have a checklist for your spring cleaning? Making a list can help keep you organized when warmer weather rolls around and it’s time to get your house and yard in order. There’s something about writing down your tasks that helps us remain committed to actually doing them. And then, when the mission is accomplished, you can tick each item off. One task you should add to your list, if you’re not doing it already, is some preparation for […]

Ways Your HVAC Can Help with Bug Control

It’s springtime and a wide variety of creepy crawling critters are making their grand entrances in places you wouldn’t expect – including your HVAC system. Live bugs are bad enough, but the larvae, droppings and shed skins they leave behind can also do a number on HVAC components, not to mention your home’s air quality. As your mind moves towards bug removal, don’t forget that your HVAC system also has a few tricks to keep nasty and annoying insects at […]

Are HVAC and IAQ Connected?

Your home’s air is full of dust and other contaminants. They get into your home, triggering allergies and asthma. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to mitigate those contaminants, particularly if you’re running your A/C. Here are a few tips for using your HVAC system to improve indoor air quality. Change your air filter. In addition to cooling the air, your HVAC system also filters out dust and other particles before circulating it through your home. Over time, though, […]

IAQ Tips for Painting Indoors

A fresh coat of paint can quickly breathe new life into your home’s interior. Make sure you aren’t compromising your health in the process, however. Indoor air quality suffers if you don’t take the right safety steps. Here are ways to diminish IAQ concerns when painting interior surfaces. Use the Safest Paints Many types of paint include harmful chemicals, called volatile organic chemicals or VOCs. These can have a direct impact on health.  When painting the interior, only choose paints that […]