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162 results found for: indoor air quality

HEPA Filtration Offers the Best in IAQ, But Is It too Much For Your Needs?

HEPA, or High Efficiency Particulate Air, filters are widely known as the gold standard when it comes to air quality. What many people don’t realize is that they may not always be the best choice for your residential HVAC system. There are several things to consider before you install one of these filtration systems in your home. HEPA filtration is incredibly effective at removing harmful pollutants from the air. Hospitals generally use these types of filters because of their ability […]

Duct Cleaning: Is It Worth It for Your Peachtree City Home?

When was the last time your HVAC system benefited from a professional duct cleaning? If the answer is “never,” or so long ago you can’t remember, you should consider hiring a licensed HVAC technician to inspect, and clean, the ducts in your Peachtree City home. Over time, dust, allergens, insect and vermin residue, mold/mildew and other debris can accumulate in your duct system. This can obstruct airflow, increase energy consumption and compromise your indoor air quality. If you perceive issues […]

Ductless Mini Split Maintenance — Out of Sight, But Not Out of Mind

Ductless mini split systems can offer significant advantages in energy efficiency and comfort over traditional forced-air systems. However, reaping those benefits over the average 12- to 15-year lifespan of those systems requires that they be maintained regularly throughout that lifespan. Ductless mini split maintenance should be performed at least once a year by a qualified HVAC technician to ensure maximum system efficiency and reliability. Ductless mini split maintenance tasks that you can expect your HVAC professional to perform during an […]

A Whole-House Dehumidifier: When Your Air Conditioner Can’t Do the Job All by Itself

During summer in Georgia, most of us rely on our air conditioning. While the steady flow of cold air can alleviate the sweltering waves of heat, sometimes it’s not enough. Air conditioners are designed to control temperature within your house, not necessarily humidity. As a result, you may end up with a house that feels damp or musty even when the A/C is running. If your home still feels clammy even with the air conditioning working, you might consider investing […]